Pattern of Competitiveness of Pistachios World Premier Exporters in Iran's Importers Market

Document Type : Research Paper



This study investigates Iran’s competitivness and their export competitors in importer countries of Iran’s Pistachio using indicators of competitive advantage (export advantage, trade advantage and competitiveness) and indicators of market structure (concentration ratios and the Herfindahl - Hirschman) for the period 1997-2011. Based on results, Iran in world market despite the more trade and export advantage in comparison with other rivals has faced negative growth. America also is the main rival of Iran's exports in target markets. Because of ten examined indicators in this study, eight indicators indicated increasing competition for America with Iran in importer markets of Iran's pistachio. Also, according to the negative correlation between America and Hong Kong's export advantage with Iran, whenever Iran lose their market share with whatever reason, export pistachio in these two countries is substituted. Analysis of the competitive behavior of top exporters in pistachios import markets shows that market activity of Iran’s competitors is less than Iran around the Persian Gulf that according to the minimal geographical distances of Iran with theirs is an appropriate opportunity for Market development of this product in these countries. Based on the results, it is suggested, in order to retrieve its trade power in pistachio market, Rival countries trade policies that have had negative correlation with Iran pistachio export advantage (particularly America) always be investigated in target markets. Also with identification of taste and health standards in the European market and improvement of economic relations with this region and abolition of trade sanctions increases your export share in the world market.
