Investigating External Effects of Excess Extraction from Groundwater on Wheat Supply in Parishan Plain

Document Type : Research Paper



Excess water extraction in Parishan plain would cause a fall in groundwater and become salty, and it would cause to fall Parishan lake level and move lake water to wells. In this study, it is endeavored to investigate external effects of excess extraction from groundwater on wheat supply function by Johanson approach in 1986ـ2008. Result showed that quantities of supply increased after taking external effects of excess extraction on income because excess extraction from groundwater would cause to increase yield and consequently farmer’s income. But compared to quantities of supply, before and after taking external effects of excess extraction on the pumping cost, showed that quantities of supply decreased after taking the effects, because more extraction from groundwater would cause to fall groundwater level and to increase farmer’s pumping cost. At last, consequent of two effects of excess extraction had negative profit (loss) for farmers and would cause to decrease quantities of wheat supply and consumption of water.
