Analysis On Pro-poor Programs on Household’s Food Security Index: An Application of Spatial Meta-Regression in Studied Interested Propensity Score Matching (PSM)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor of Agricultural Economics,Ferdowsi university of Mashhad,mashhad,iran

2 Ph.D candidate in Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Moran test confirmed the spatial dependence in observation distributed around countries. Hence, the meta-regression is combined by spatial approach for all three equations. Results show: i) decrease in difference between control and treated groups in recent years since improvement in household’s food security condition due to policies as FAO confirmed as well and improvement in quality of studies; ii) using logit model to determine propensity score makes higher difference between control and treated groups in compare of probit model; iii) financial program does not improve food security condition of treated groups because financial program regardless complementary program such as environmental protection, irrigation, non-farm income and improved seeds could not improve food security index as expressed by Stamoulis & Zezza (2003) and Thomas & Strauss (1997).
Therefore, it is strongly suggested that the priority of Asian and African developing countries to avoid food insecurity should be stressed on a set of pro-poor program including improvement of access to food and measures to development of agriculture. Also, considering balance between enhancing household’s income and facilitating acceptance of technology in farming systems. Results of investigation can be ensured in survey studies applying PSM by using a specific welfare indicator rather than pillared indicators.


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