Estimating The Value of Irrigation Water By Hedonic Pricing Method, ACase study, Sabzewar County

Document Type : Research Paper



In this research we use the hedonic method for valuing of water. This method uses for pricing goods or their attributes that we can not present them in market without their properties. We collect information for rent price and their properties by questionnaire method. From total of 500 questionnaires, 150 are for non-irrigated farm lands and 350 are for irrigated lands. Estimated models are separated for irrigated and non-irrigated pieces. Depended variable is natural log of rent price of one hectare of irrigated or non-irrigated farm land in the year of 2008-2009. Independed variables show quality properties; geographical situation of pieces, structural properties, resource and water properties. Results say that rent price average of non-irrigated lands in Sabzevar are different according to the type of soil. Price of land with lomy soil is higher than others (215980 Rials) and for sandy soil is lower than others (96870 Rials). Average of rent price for irrigated lands are difference too. in additional the quality of water is effective in this case. High prices are for farm lands with less sand and high quality water (2757100 Rials). Otherwise, pieces with more sand in their soil and low water quality for irrigate have lower price (1224700 Rials). At least, rent value of water for one hectare land with loamy or clay-sandy soil is higher than others (2541110 Rials).
